Loyalty is a powerful connection that runs hand-in-hand with emotion. Ask yourself, to whom are you most loyal?? The first people that may come to mind are your friends and family. They may not always be perfect, but you remain loyal because of that bond. But what about businesses? To have a shot at establishing client loyalty you must first build an emotional bond with your clients.

Never assume that a client is loyal just because they continue to use your services. There are many reasons why a client might repeat their business despite not being satisfied – and this sort of client will be the first to “jump-ship” when new competitors arrive.

Client loyalty results from positive interactions and experiences with your practice.

To build client loyalty, your veterinary practice’s client experience needs to blend the physical, emotional and value elements of an experience into one cohesive experience.

These emotional attachments shield your clients from a competitor influence, stimulate repurchasing, and promote referrals, which is why it is so important to measure and track.

Because this is such an important metric to measure, we have created a free downloadable eBook to help you learn more: “4 Ways To Better Measure Client Loyalty & The Digital Tools To Help Build Lasting Relationships”.

The eBook will shed light on why client loyalty is important, how to numerically track it, and how digital tools, like a veterinary mobile app, are low-cost/high-reward ways to create loyalty with new and existing clients.

Interested in taking an even deeper dive into the subject? Register for VitusVet’s upcoming free webinar, “How Mobile Technology Can Impact Your Veterinary Practices Client Loyalty” hosted by Mark Olcott, DVM.