Download the VitusVet app to quickly manage your pet’s care with ease and confidence.
Access medical records
Request appointments
Submit refill requests
Share Pet Care Info
Track Pet’s Weight and Activity
Enrich the quality of life for your pet without the extra legwork
We all want to provide the best care for our pets — they’re family! But in today’s fast-paced world, we don’t always have the time to make repeated calls to the vet or remember to bring medical records to appointments or to the groomer.

With the VitusVet app, your pet’s health management is in your pocket!
Service reminders and scheduling, refill requests, record storage for vaccinations and labs, logging your pet insurance and microchip information — you’ll find it all in the app. Immediate access anytime, anywhere.

Must have for pet owners

I have three dogs and they each have their own “profiles” that include a photo, dob, vet and insurance info, microchip #, physical description, medical records, notes, and reminders. You can set notifications to remind you when you need to renew a license, rabies vaccine, etc. Makes pet health so much easier!

I love that I can add photos of rabies certificates, licenses, and other proof of vaccinations that you might need to show a boarding kennel. I have all the info I need in my pocket!

This app is incredibly useful for active pet owners. Get it. Now.

Access medical records
Always be ready with up-to-date and correct information for your pet’s care providers.
- Request medical records
- Take photos of vaccination or lab records and upload them into the app
- Log information regarding medication including allergies and medical history
Request appointments
Say goodbye to phone tag. Request an appointment through the app and receive reminders via the app or text message.

Submit refill requests
Need to refill your pet’s medication or products? No sweat! The VitusVet app displays your pet’s current medications and preventatives, like flea and tick treatments or heartworm prevention, with the option to request refills.
Ready to get the free VitusVet app?
*Pet medical records accessibility vary from practice to practice. Consult with your veterinarian to find out specific policies on accessibility and sharing