Guest Blog: Disruption and other painful things

By |2019-08-22T14:11:32+00:00May 9th, 2019|

There is a door in my bathroom. Not hanging on the frame… It is sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall. There are tools in the hall and paintings in boxes. I have had plumbers, delivery men, electricians and insulation installers invade my home and made more trips to Lowe’s and Home Depot than I care

5 Questions to ask when considering a client communication partner

By |2019-08-22T14:23:00+00:00April 17th, 2019|

As graduations start rolling around, I find myself thinking more and more about changes to the profession we’ve seen since I graduated from veterinary school 24 years ago. Veterinary medicine is far more competitive than it used to be, and at the same time our clients (pet owners) have higher and higher expectations of their service providers. I

Increase sales of medication and food by going digital

By |2019-08-22T14:40:57+00:00January 28th, 2019|

How many of your clients come in daily to purchase refills, preventatives, food and other pet supplies? Chances are it is a good number...but it's declining. Competition from online providers, like Chewy and, has never been tougher. Some of these companies are so well-funded that they are willing to LOSE money in order to get your clients'

Digital appointment confirmations make it easier to do your job

By |2019-09-20T17:29:01+00:00January 7th, 2019|

I’m sure you find it a constant struggle to have clients perform specific tasks in order for you to keep their pet healthy. In many cases, the primary struggle is getting a client to return to the practice for their pet’s annual exam. The primary focus of this blog is to discuss the other actions your clients need

5 Reasons Your Veterinary Practice Needs Online Appointment Booking

By |2021-06-22T16:00:49+00:00June 10th, 2018|

Direct-to-schedule appointment booking for veterinary care is here with VitusVet and it could impact your business significantly. There are understandably a ton of questions, maybe some hesitation, but the great opportunity for practice growth is undeniable. In most businesses, sometimes it’s best to leave a functioning system alone. However, when it comes to your veterinary practice appointment booking

Meet the Practice Manager: Chris, Green Oaks North Pet Hospital

By |2019-08-23T17:43:32+00:00December 17th, 2017|

Chris is a practice manager at Green Oaks North Pet Hospital, a practice in Arlington, TX. He believes email addresses are just as important as phone numbers, so his practice recently cleaned up their email database, improving email collection from 65% to 91%. “The biggest benefit of cleaning up our email list has been increased compliance and day-to-day

Meet the Practice Manager: Lea Ann

By |2019-09-26T13:35:13+00:00November 13th, 2017|

Lea Ann is a practice manager who knows digital reminders and notifications are her clients preferred method of communication. She also uses digital reminders because they’re less expensive, environmentally friendly and increase compliance. “Our clients think our digital reminders and notifications are great. It saves our front desk staff time by reducing phone calls and it saves our

How to get the media to talk about you

By |2019-09-26T13:42:14+00:00November 6th, 2017|

Has your practice ever been featured in a news story? Media coverage can be a great asset for when your practice announces new partnerships or offers new services to clients and believe it or not, they want to share your news. Brodheadsville Animal Clinic was recently interviewed and featured on WNEP for offering their clients the VitusVet app. How did the

Having Trouble Acquiring and Retaining Great Technicians? This May Be Why.

By |2019-09-26T13:46:49+00:00October 9th, 2017|

Believe it or not, the way your practice is run plays a significant role in the talent that works there. Forward thinking practices that use the latest technology have a greater advantage in acquiring the best candidates. Here’s why. Millennials are a huge part of the workforce. They’re the ones graduating veterinary technology school and they have high

Veterinary medicine is changing, are you keeping up?

By |2019-09-26T13:59:29+00:00September 12th, 2017|

Things have changed. The internet makes finding and retaining clients a challenge due to websites like Yelp, Facebook reviews and simple things like lack of a veterinary practice website. Throw in smartphone capabilities and you have consumers pulling you in every direction. Businesses have evolved with mobile apps and click-to-book functionality. Even in-store experiences are influenced if you

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