I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the the benefits of volunteering and the social good that comes from giving your time and experience to a good cause. I’m fortunate to serve on the AVMA’s Veterinary Economic Strategy Committee, and have done so for the last year or so. This committee is tasked with developing specific recommendations for the Executive Board with respect to the economic health and well being of both individual veterinarians and the profession as a whole. Our profession is facing some interesting economic challenges, but we are a strong group of people united by a common love for veterinary medicine. There’s no doubt our best days are ahead of us!

At a recent committee meeting in Schaumburg, some of us were asked to contribute our thoughts on why we volunteer to serve the AVMA, and why others should as well. A link to the video is included with this blog, and I’m really happy with how it came out. Specifically, I’m happy for a couple of reasons:

1) The AVMA is a fantastic organization with strong leaders throughout, led by the hard-working and insightful Dr. Ron DeHaven. All of us veterinarians should be proud of our national association and remember that ours is a noble profession.

2) Volunteering for an AVMA committee is not only a worthwhile pursuit, but also a personally rewarding one. I have met some great people and learned a TON from the folks at the AVMA.

3) It’s a great way to make YOUR voice heard. The only way change happens is if people step up and get involved.

If you’re contemplating getting involved in organized veterinary medicine, either at the local, state or national level, my advice is simple: do it. Your particular journey as a veterinarian is unique, and your experiences and opinions are valuable….but only if you share them. Help us build the bridge for future veterinarians and leave them a profession that is better than the one you found. You’ll be glad you did.