Forward booking: a practice you need to adopt immediately
I was checking my mailbox the other day and found a reminder postcard. The postcard wasn’t for my veterinarian; instead it was a reminder postcard for my dental appointment which had been scheduled for six weeks out. Guess
The power of a simple email address
If you’re missing email addresses from your clients, you’re probably missing out on those clients all together. You’re losing an opportunity to increase compliance, increase client engagement and grow your relationship. With the amount of emails that hit your personal
Do you love your practice management software?
Check out our blog from CEO/co-founder of VitusVet Dr. Mark Olcott.
Why your emails are failing to engage your clients
Does your practice have a high unsubscribe rate? Do you even know how many clients open your emails? We have all been on the tail end of an email that just bombards your inbox. No one likes receiving
The Annual Exam: A requiem
Veterinary practices historically have been overwhelmingly reliant on the revenue from annual wellness exams to keep their doors open. Not just the primary revenue from the visit itself, but the dentals and procedures and lab work that arise
Why you need text and picture messaging now
Your practice has the power to kill two birds with one stone, if you will. Instead of making a phone call, which we've established is generally inefficient and unnecessary, send your client a text message stating that their
3 ways to rethink the job of your client service representative and reduce their time spent on the phone
In last week’s blog we brought up a question, “The solution isn’t better phone skills for your front desk team, it’s more that you should completely rethink the job of your client service representatives (CSRs). How can you
Trying to improve telephone skills for your front desk team? Stop wasting your time.
“If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.” -Gen. E. Shinseki, US Army (Ret.) Trying to improve telephone skills at your veterinary practice? Stop wasting your time. Sacrilege, I know. But hear me out.
Check out our new eBook: The Importance of Going Mobile
Mobile transactions are becoming vital to the success of businesses across the globe. We've out together an eBook that highlights the benefits of utilizing mobile transactions and easy ways to implement it in your practice.