

Emergency Preparedness for Your Pet

September 24th, 2015|

No one likes thinking about potential disasters and emergencies, but those who have put thought and planning into emergency preparedness benefit when the worst happens. Whether you reside in tornado alley or along a hurricane rife coastline, chances

Too many vets or not enough clients?

July 30th, 2015|

I recently returned from the AVMA headquarters in Schaumburg, IL after attending the most recent Veterinary Economic Strategy Committee meeting. We had two days of discussions about the future of veterinary medicine and, as always, it was very

4 Tools that Increase Revenue Immediately

July 27th, 2015|

These four easy-to-use tools provide insight into your practice from your clients' perspective. Take a spin through to see how pricing, marketing, record sharing, and accounting contribute directly to revenue. 4 Simple Tools to try: Grade your marketing at to

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