

How Would Disney Run Your Animal Hospital?

September 28th, 2014|

A changing world... I’ve been reading an incredible book called “If Disney ran your hospital: 9 ½ things you’d do differently” by Fred Lee. Although the book was published 10 years ago and is about human medicine, the messages are

How Should Veterinarians Measure Client Loyalty?

September 28th, 2014|

The glory days of old are gone. The time has passed where you could merely hang out your shingle as a veterinarian and be successful. As is now well known, veterinary supply is growing faster than veterinary demand, which increases

Are you still stuck in the 80’s?

September 16th, 2014|

I always tell people that being a veterinarian is more of a calling than a job. Like many of you, it never really crossed my mind to be anything OTHER than a veterinarian. In my career I've worked

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