VetShipRx – FAQs
Will VetShipRx replace my current online pharmacy?
No, VetShipRx meant to be complementary to your online pharmacy. What most practices are doing is using VetShipRx for high margin and frequently refilled prescriptions like heartworm preventatives, flea/tick medications, joint supplements, special foods, etc. while keeping their current online pharmacy for items they don’t stock in-house.
Who is fulfilling this medication order?
The orders are filled from your in-house inventory, allowing you to keep the relationship (and margin) on these important products. Your clients can even get food delivered (up to 50lbs) and any other product your practice carries.
Do I have to hire my own delivery drivers?/Who is delivering the medications?
Our partners at Shipt manage everything around the actual delivery. Think of VetShipRx as a DoorDash for veterinarians. While you’re the one fulfilling the order, Shipt “shoppers” are the ones delivering.
How much does VSRX cost?
VetShipRx is priced on a consumption model. Unlike online pharmacies that charge 40% or more, VSRX only charges 5% of the order total. This model means we win only if you win. Aside from that 5%, there are no flat fees.
How long does it take to get started?
It takes a couple of weeks to “map out” your practice with Shipt Shoppers. We provide staff training, support, and marketing materials before launch.
How big is the delivery radius?
The delivery radius varies from location to location and depends a bit on population density, but we believe that the overwhelming majority of your clients will be within the delivery radius.
How many times a day does the Shipt Shopper pick-up from my pharmacy?
Variable. If two orders are posted to Shipt, and one is 10 miles to the east and the other is 7 miles to the west, you could have two different shoppers come in at different times, or it could be one that does both. Shipt’s algorithm determines the most efficient routing possible for their available shoppers, origin, destination, and if there are other stops the shopper can make along the way.
Does the owner have to be home to deliver medications?
They do not. Shipt notifies the client (and your practice) when the order is delivered.
Can I set my own prices?
Yes, you can set your own prices for your products and delivery.
How do medications get delivered?
Once you approve and fill a prescription, you will put it in the place where your hospital keeps all the prescriptions, and it will then be picked up by a Shipt shopper to deliver to your clients.
What happens if my practice’s DVM will NOT approve a refill request?
You have the power to approve or decline a request through the dashboard. If you decline it, you can send a personalized message to a pet owner explaining why.
Do I need to switch my credit card processor?
No. However, we do process payments for these refills done through a secondary processing account.
I have another reminder system, do I need to switch to yours?
No. You can use another system for wellness reminders, but in order not to confuse your clients, we recommend you turn off any other medication reminders you may be using. We don’t want clients getting double messages for refills so this is important.
I already Have VitusVet, how do I add VSRX?
It’s easy! We’ll walk you through add-on steps while ensuring your staff is trained and comfortable with the updated platform.