Welcome PSIVet Members

Introducing VetShipRx, partnered with Shipt.

Strengthen the bonds with your clients while bringing pharmacy sales back with on-demand home delivery.



It’s no secret that pharmacy sales are extremely valuable to veterinary practices. Industry data shows that 8 in 10 pet owners would consider purchasing pet medications from you instead of third parties1. Though you’re a better, prefered choice for your clients, in-house product sales can be inefficient and create bottlenecks. VetShipRx makes it easy for your clients to bring their pharmacy needs back to you – with the added convenience of on-demand delivery.


1-Diggo (https://www.diggovet.com/) “Walmart: Data Shows Veterinarians Underestimate the Threat”

Gain the competitive edge while keeping your pharmacy sales, in-house

Keep your clients pet’s up-to-date on medications. Set up intelligent and custom prescription reminders to drive engagement from a trusted source.

Grow auto refills with the simplicity and convenience of omni channel digital payments. Text to Pay gives your clients a contactless payment solution using their phones.

Tap into the on-demand economy like never before with an Integrated shipping platform for in-house order fulfillment

Interested? Request VetShipRx information today.

Whether you are an existing VitusVet customer or new to VitusVet, we’d love to get you started.