Watch for Subtle Signs of Pain to Safeguard Pet Health
Animals on the whole are much tougher than the average human being. When it comes to recognizing the signs of pain in a pet, that trait can be extremely problematic. From an evolutionary standpoint, animals are programmed to hide
How Much is Too Much?
Sometimes we just want to scratch our heads. Veterinary hospitals are mostly curbside now and even though we are telling clients on the phone to bring their phones and call when they arrive, we are still having them
A new way to think about compliance
Walking around VMX and WVC before COVID struck I was impressed at how many companies on the exhibit hall floor were really in the business of compliance. Whether it’s lab work, vaccinations, wellness exams, prescription diets or pharmaceuticals, we
Planning to Launch Your Own Mobile Vet Clinic? Consider These 4 Challenges First.
If you’ve read our previous post, you’ve learned about some of the more surprising benefits of having your own mobile vet clinic. For starters, there’s a much bigger market for mobile vets than many veterinarians probably imagine. Pet behavior
Protect Your Cat’s Health With Early Detection and Immunizations
Taking a cat to the vet can be quite a harrowing experience. There’s the challenge of getting your cat into the crate for the car ride, for starters. Then there’s the actual car ride and the waiting room. And
Thinking of Starting a Mobile Vet Clinic? These 4 Benefits Might Surprise You.
To an independent veterinarian, having your own mobile veterinary clinic may sound like an alluring prospect. Imagine being your own boss and creating your own schedule. Having a regular change of scenery from the fluorescent lights of an
The Art of Listening
As a veterinary practice management consultant one of the things I do a lot is listening. When I start a consultation, I interview the owner and all the staff and listen to their feedback about what is going well,
Help Your Pet Relax Around Fireworks and Thunderstorms With A Proactive Plan
During summers in the U.S., we can count on several things: fireworks demonstrations for the 4th of July (and other holidays), and more frequent thunderstorms in certain parts of the country. Unfortunately, the loud noises and vibrations associated
Protect Your Pet From Deadly Heartworms with Preventative Treatment
As it heats up across the U.S., both humans and their pets start getting bitten by mosquitoes. It’s especially intense when we’re close to a water source, like a river or lake. Those bites are one of the