

National Veterinary Technician Week

October 14th, 2019|

October 13-19 is this year’s National Veterinary Technician Week, which honors the hard work that veterinary technicians do to assist veterinarians and help keep practices running efficiently. In honor of National Veterinary Technicians Week, our CEO, Dr. Mark

My Love Affair with Lists

October 2nd, 2019|

I learned to be a list maker many years ago from my first boss. He kept a yellow legal pad on his desk and wrote down all the things he needed to accomplish that day and in the

7 Ways An App Can Help You Grow Your Practice

September 3rd, 2019|

Veterinary practices can implement several digital avenues allowing their clients to reach them on the go. The first tool to consider is a branded veterinary app, such as VitusVet, where clients can do business with you from their

VLOG: Millennials in the mist

August 2nd, 2019|

Mark Olcott, DVM shares what he's learned about millennials - not just what they believe with respect to technology, but also WHY they believe this. If you're team or clients include millennials, download

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